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promote develop inspire


think outside... passionate about outdoor learning. Our vision is to promote, develop and inspire.



We run outdoor learning clubs in Wandsworth primary schools, both as part of the curriculum and after school.  “Outdoor learning” is about more than just teaching children gardening skills.  It is about healthy living, food and wildlife – fostering teamwork in a fun environment where new skills are honed and new friends made.



But think outside goes much further. It develops under-used or derelict sites on school premises into attractive growing and wildlife spaces and is an experienced fund-raiser to help schools pay for them.



Why does this matter to the wider community? think outside also thinks beyond school boundaries. School premises can and should be used to benefit and inspire everyone. We provide weekend gardening clubs for parents, relatives, friends and all who want to join in.  Our activities are attractive to those who do not have or cannot afford their own outdoor spaces.  They also appeal to minority communities who love gardening and those who are generally interested in nutrition and healthy lifestyle.



think outside’s vision is all about community integration through outdoor activities. We want to link local schools who can work together, learn and have fun doing so. We want to promote healthy living: obesity can be reduced and poor diets significantly improved by working with us and eating what we grow.


We are already working with Kew, the RHS, Groundwork and other similar organisations. The DfE, the Mayor, the Council and Ofsted are entirely supportive of our aims and those of similar organisations.  


think outside is not expensive. Indeed, its products can be sold to benefit schools!  Nor is it time-consuming. It requires little effort on the part of schools. What it does need is shared vision and enthusiasm.  

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