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We offer a range of gardening activities utilising your garden pots, hand-made and recycled materials. See a list of our main activities below. Please let us know if you have any special requirements and we will adjust any workshops to your needs.

Can it Grow? - open-ended exploration and discussion about the growing potential of various materials.

Paper potters and other containers - using newspaper and recycled materials to transplant and grow seeds and plants.

Mini Greenhouse - Exploration of different growing conditions in different parts of the Earth. Planting of a mini greenhouse using recycled materials or seed trays.

Propagation by seed - studying different types of seeds and optimal germination conditions of various seeds; planting seeds in pots or seed trays.

Pricking out, potting on Analysing the needs of young plants and looking at parts of the plants; handling plug plants and small saplings

Propagation using cuttings - exploring different methods of propagation without using seeds.

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