Wow,wow,wow... trying to stay connected...
Long time no see. We have been busy planning a lot of new projects here at think outside.... Didn't notice that it has been so long since the last blog.
Well, over the 12 days of Festive Season I have been thinking about how connected we are: to ourselves, to others and to nature. The thing is that with all the technology allowing us to be available all the time to everyone we end up missing what is happening around us... Change of seasons, people we live with, sprouting bulbs we planted in November.
I have decided to try to dis-connect and leave my phone behind (at home) when I can. Watch this space for my updates of the progress.
We volunteered at Share Nurseries today and I left my phone at home. I took some photos to share with you... Some fascinating small algae growing in one of the containers under the potting benches. I would not have noticed if I had my phone on!