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Past Outdoor Projects

See what we are working on this year

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In 2015/2016 we converted the formerly disused roof-space on top of Alderbrook's Victorian building into an inspiring creative garden area and art studio. We used mostly reclaimed and reused materials. The project was led by a team of 4 plus 20 volunteers – a group of parents, teachers, pupils and members of the wider community who shared the ambition that this unique addition to the school’s teaching environment would help cpupils living in a very urban area to connect to the ‘great outdoors’ and 'greener' living – encouraging a real sense of creative freedom. 


Broadwater Primary

With the support of a grant from the Wandsworth Grant Fund we took a shady unused corner of Broadwater Primary School and converted it into an outdoor learning zone  - the “Woody Corner” - for children.  With the enthusiastic support of staff and parent volunteers we built planters and sandpits and have grew all kinds of vegetables and flowers.  We used the Woody Corner to run a series of classes for all age groups and abilities - with tailored sessions for SEND children and whole year group activities.


Nightingale House

We started working with the elderly at Nightingale House in January 2020, getting to know some of the residents and staff in person before the first lockdown in March. We ran face-face workshops with residents, some of whom suffered from severe dementia but were able to remember their experiences with planting and gardening from long ago. It was amazing to see how some of them had a great knowledge of seeds and plants. We ran touching and smelling sessions, planted seeds in containers and flowers and vegetables in mobile planters on the home's patio.

When the first lockdown started we didn't want to stop working with the residents and  continued sessions online from our garden at home, planting bulbs, herbs and colourful summer blooms with the residents - dropping off all the "ingredients" at the reception before our online sessions.

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