...another four months on...
It is incredible to see different rate of growth in different plants. We had these jade plant leaf cuttings (indoors) for 7 months now!...
Propagating jade plant
It took nearly 3 months for new roots and shoots to emerge from some leaf cuttings! Some of the leaves (c30%) dried out but the rest are...
Wow,wow,wow... trying to stay connected...
Long time no see. We have been busy planning a lot of new projects here at think outside.... Didn't notice that it has been so long since...
Persistent evolution
I finally managed to finish "The life of a leaf" by Steven Vogel. An amazing book for anyone persistent enough to go through it. This...
The name 'ericaceous' comes from the Latin name for heathers, Erica!
We inherited a pot with camellia some years ago and it wasn't doing very well... ...so this year we took the plant out altogether and...
...and there it is...
Despite a difficult start - bad weather and slug attacks - we managed to grow 3 beautiful sunflowers! This just shows that persistence...
Russian Giant
Well, well, well, I tried growing big sunflowers from seed twice so far - once last year and once this year. My seedlings seem to be very...
Now on Twitter!
We at think outside are pleased to launch our account on Twitter; keep up to date with our projects and the conference here
The life of a leaf...
My very good friend David lent me a book last week. It looked like a light read at first... It occurs that it is a fully scientific...
Gardens never sleep...
You might think that gardens fall asleep for winter. Well, if you are brave enough to explore winter gardens at night, you might be...